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Projects > A - C > ACID-MODES

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  • The Acid Model Operational Diagnostic Evaluation Study (Acid MODES), was funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (59 Eulerian Model Evaluation Field Study (EMEFS) sites including variability (VAR) and gradient (GRAD) special study sub-networks). The Acid MODES variability sub-network was a four-site cluster of sites used to evaluate spatial concentration variability on the 80 - 100 km grid scale of the models being evaluated. The gradient sub-network similarly provided a higher spatial network resolution in an area where sharp spatial concentration gradients were observed in previous studies. The study operated from 6/1/1988 to 5/30/1990 over the Eastern USA. See: "" for more information on the Acid MODES. See "" for more information on EMEFS. (en)

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