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  • The Geostationary Meteorological Satellite series are spin-stabilized satellites. They have been developed to contribute to the improvement of Japan's meteorological services and the development of weather satellite technology. The satellites consist of a despun section which holds the earth-oriented antennas and a 100-rpm rotating spin section which contains the Visible and Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer (VISSR), electronic devices, etc. They have been used for the World Meteorological Organization's world Weather Watch Program which is sustained by five geostationary satellites. GMS-5 made its final observation at 00 UTC on 22 May 2003 and is temporarily replaced by the United States' geostationary meteorological satellite GOES-9. MTSAT-1R, the successor to GMS-5, will be launched in the early coming winter (January and February, 2004). Characteristics: Dimensions: Cylindrical, Diameter : 214.6cm Height: (before AKM separation) 444.1cm (after AKM separation) 353.9cm Weight: 747kg (at launch) 344kg (beginning of life) Attitude control: Spin-stabilized Design life: 5 years Reliability: More than 0.5 after 5 years (Specification) Launch Vehicle: H-II Launch site: Tanegashima Space Center, Kagoshima, Japan Launch date: Early 1995 Final Observation: 22 May 2003 Orbit: Geostationary orbit, 140deg. E. longitude Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: GMS-5 Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: Earth Observation Satellites Platform_Series_or_Entity: GMS (Japan Geostationary Meteorological Satellite) Short_Name: GMS-5 Long_Name: Geostationary Meteorological Satellite-5 End_Group Group: Synonymous_Platform_Names Short_Name: GMS-5 End_Group Group: Platform_Associated_Instruments Short_Name: VISSR-GMS End_Group Group: Orbit Orbit_Altitude: 36,000 km Orbit_Type: GEO > Geosynchronous > Geostationary End_Group Creation_Date: 2007-10-01 Online_Resource: Online_Resource: Group: Platform_Logistics Launch_Date: 1995-03-18 Launch_Site: Tanegashima Island, Japan Design_Life: 5 YEARS Primary_Sponsor: JAPAN/JAXA End_Group End_Group (en)


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