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  • The evolution of stratospheric ozone and other important and related atmospheric constituents in Polar Regions is tightly coupled to a wide range of processes acting within and outside the winter polar vortices and through the entire region from the surface to the mesopause. Much of the current understanding of these processes has been achieved within the programme of SPARC (Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate), a WCRP core project, and other international projects with which it maintains collaborative links. The IPY programme offers a unique opportunity for SPARC to assemble a range of scientific expertise to study the Antarctic and Arctic Polar Vortices, the loci of key chemical and physical processes associated with ozone depletion and its eventual recovery, as well as of key features of the dynamical coupling between the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere in polar and sub-polar regions. The central goal of the SPARC IPY programme (hereinafter referred to as SPARC-IPY) is to document as completely as possible the dynamics and chemistry of the polar vortices and physical properties relevant to processes such as the formation of polar stratospheric clouds. To achieve this detailed picture and yield a unique synthesis of data on the polar middle atmosphere, SPARC-IPY will facilitate analysis of available research and operational satellite data, as well as ground-based and aircraft data, and encourage work on data assimilation and inter-comparison of assimilated data sets. This will include data from new measurement systems as well as from enhanced measurement programmes with established systems. To complement results provided by new measurement programmes, weather services carrying out routine radiosonde and ozonesonde measurements will be encouraged to increase the frequency of the observations and to store the data with full resolution. As the lead organization, the SPARC Project will coordinate the SPARC-IPY programme, promote specific new initiatives and organize workshops and meetings to facilitate research and dissemination of results. These efforts will be carried out in the context of the SPARC Project core thematic programmes of Stratospheric Chemistry and Climate; Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical Coupling; and Detection, Attribution, and Prediction of Stratospheric Change. SPARC-IPY is the lead EoI for sub-cluster 7.1 (IPY SPARC). The EoIs that are clustered within this proposal will constitute key components of this programme (consortium members are listed in section 4.2) which will include the following specific components: (a) An Arctic measurement programme will document the “state of the Arctic middle atmosphere” during the IPY (EoI 11, PASSMeC). This will use data from ground based and satellite systems, centered on four lidar systems located at sites across the Arctic. These lidar measurements will be coordinated with satellite and radiosonde/ozonesonde measurements. These lidars are distributed under different regimes of the Arctic middle atmosphere and provide measurements that are critical for understanding the role of tides, planetary and gravity waves in the large-scale circulation. (b) A data assimilation, modelling and analysis component will focus on assimilation and analysis of these observations to yield a comprehensive picture of the observed circulation and facilitate prediction of changes in the circulation and associated physical and chemical responses. In addition this component will include archival of assimilation products (analyses and forecasts) arising from participating middle atmosphere assimilation groups during the IPY period. Such products will be routinely produced at weather forecast centers using models with vertical domains that extend above the stratopause. Research groups employing chemistry transport models or chemistry climate models will also participate. These activities are critical for understanding the structure and evolution of the Arctic vortex, the formation of polar stratospheric clouds, the depletion of ozone, and the initiation of anomalous weather regimes associated with the Arctic Oscillation. A specific component activity will include analysis of the dynamics and chemistry associated with Stratospheric Sudden Warmings (SSWs) in the Arctic Polar atmosphere during the IPY (EoI 959, CMAM-IPY). The Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM), which extends from the ground to above the mesopause and includes comprehensive and coupled chemistry, radiation and dynamics, will be used to analyse SSWs during the IPY using a 3D-Var data assimilation scheme. (c) Data available from instruments in operation at different Antarctic and relevant continental sub polar sites in the southern tip of South America, where the Antarctic polar vortex/ozone hole system passes over inhabited regions, in combination with satellite data. will be collected and interpreted. Organization of special campaign periods will be promoted in collaboration with the various national agencies involved in the operation of these sites. CTM runs of relevant events using the AMR-CTM with the MECCA/MESSY chemistry module (Argentina/UK/Germany) will be carried out. The SPARC-IPY programme will also link with other closely related IPY activities (see section 3.5). The services of the SPARC Data Center will be made available to facilitate acquisition and archiving of key data that will be used for projects or generated by them during the IPY period (see section 3.6). Summary provided by (en)

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