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Projects > P - R > POLAR-AOD

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  • Short Title: POLAR-AOD Proposal URL: The proposed activity aims at establishing a bipolar network to obtain data needed to quantify properties of aerosols at high latitudes, including seasonal background concentrations by measurements of aerosol optical depth (AOD), spectral characterizations, and the evolutionary patterns of the natural and anthropogenic processes that perturb the aerosol cycles. An effort to quantify direct and indirect climate forcing by polar aerosols will be made through a set of closure experiments using observations in conjunction with model calculation and satellite data. The co-operation in the frame of POLAR-AOD will allow the following: 1. - Definition of calibration procedures among the various sun-radiometers operating in Polar regions, in order to achieve homogeneous AOD (aerosol optical depth) evaluations and maintain a set of reference instruments in a high mountain station. Some of the instruments will be used to constitute a traveller system from one station to the other with the aim of attaining round robin inter-comparison. Regular inter-comparison campaigns (biennial) will be organized in order to compare not only calibration constants but also instrumental characteristics, such as sensitivity and influence of diffuse light. The first inter-comparison campaign, scheduled for spring 2006 at Ny-Alesund, will be used also to define and adjust the methodology and calculation procedures, like that aimed at evaluating relative optical air mass and trace-gas corrections. 2 . - Improvement of "in-situ" optical and chemical measurements, with an effort to operate size and time-resolved aerosol composition and concentration sampling on a long-term base (EoI ID 557). 3. - Establishment of a data bank for spectral sun-photometric measurements (AOD archive), in-situ measurements and any other aerosol related parameters useful for assessing the quantification of aerosols and their radiative effects. This archive will fill the gap for the polar regions within the global aerosol climatology, where there is an urgent need for high-quality data on aerosol abundance and physico-chemical characteristics on a regional scale. The information is necessary to better constrain climate model simulations and improve the interpretation of remotely sensed data. Particular attention will be paid to retrospective analyses of historical data-sets, mainly from Russian Arctic and Antarctic stations. They will be recovered and stored in the archive. 4. - Determination of reliable procedures for analysing sun-photometric and sun-radiometric data in order to describe realistically the specific conditions occurring in the polar regions. Standard programmes will be developed and supplied to the research groups involved, including cloud rejection algorithms and radiometric data analysis. 5 - Organisation of international workshops for the presentation of the results from the various polar programs, and for the discussion of common strategies and goals, including aspects of logistics within inter-calibration activities and data exchange. In Antarctica, the actual field activities will benefit from the setting up of a new international long-term monitoring programme, called TAVERN (Quantification of Tropospheric Aerosol and Thin Clouds Variability, including Radiation Budget over the East Antarctic Plateau) at the recently established Italian-French station Dome Concordia (EoI ID 198). Year-round measurements based on LIDAR, Sun and Star photometer and &in-situ& aerosol systems will make it possible to study in detail inter-annual and seasonal variation of aerosols over the high Antarctic Plateau, and also to obtain information on the thin cloud optical depth. The normal activities in other stations will be extended during the IPY operational period (EoI ID 797). The POLAR-AOD observations will complement the SRB measurements which are developed at other stations (Syowa, South Pole, Neumayer) in the frame of the BSRN (GCOS) activities, providing an important contribution for assessing forcing by aerosols. In the Arctic, additional strong field activities will be promoted at the Greenland Summit Station (EoI ID 530) and Tiksi (EoI ID 820), during the IPY operational period. Real-time measurements of physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosols will allow the constitution of a data set in the Arctic, equivalent to the one acquired over the Antarctic Plateau, Summit being a natural counterpart of Dome Concordia. Also in Ny-Alesund, research activities related to aerosols will increase as a consequence of the efforts of Norway, Poland, Germany, Japan and Italy (EoIs ID 165, ID 597). The network will give support in obtaining high-quality integrated data from the large amount of field activities. Participation on cruises organised in the framework of the Arctic Experiment (AREX) and the airborne ASTAR (Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosol, Clouds, and Radiation) activities will lead to a considerable improvement in knowledge on the vertical and spatial distribution of aerosols in the European Arctic. The present studies will complement the activities promoted by the SEARCH Program (NOAA's Study of Environmental Arctic Change). Finally the information obtained will allow participants to assess the influence of mid-latitude aerosol sources in the observed Arctic aerosol budget. POLAR-AOD (EoIs ID 299, ID 557) will join the efforts of the IASOA proposal (EoI ID 138), in the task of co-ordinating different programmes of long-term atmospheric observatories in the Arctic with the purpose of setting up a circumpolar ring around the central Arctic region. The second aim is to fulfil the need for an integrated larger bi-polar network in the field of atmospheric sciences. (en)

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