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  • Storm III (FY-3) satellite is China's second-generation polar orbit meteorological satellite, which is the basis of FY-1 meteorological satellite technology on the development and improvement in function and technology a big step forward with qualitative change, specific requirements to solve the three-dimensional atmospheric detection, ability to obtain substantial increase in global data to further enhance the cloud and surface characteristics of remote sensing capabilities, enabling access to global, all-weather, three-dimensional, quantitative, multi-spectral atmosphere, surface and sea surface parameters. FY-3 meteorological satellite applications for purposes such as four aspects: ● the provision of global numerical weather prediction for the medium-term resolution of the meteorological parameters uniform. ● study of global change, including climate variation, climate prediction for the variety of meteorological and geophysical parameters. ● monitoring of large-scale natural disasters and the surface environment. ● for a variety of professional activities (aviation, maritime, etc.) of any region to provide global weather information, meteorological support services for the military. FY-3 research and production is divided into two batches, 01 batches of two satellites, FY-3A has been on 7 May 2008 successfully launched. 02 star award in 2010 after the launch, and some remote sensing instruments for the addition, replacement and performance improvements, FY-3 satellites will apply 15 years. Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: FY-3A Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: Earth Observation Satellites Short_Name: FY-3A Long_Name: FengYun-3A End_Group Group: Platform_Associated_Instruments Short_Name: SIM Short_Name: IRAS Short_Name: MWTS Short_Name: MWRI Short_Name: MWHS Short_Name: TOU Short_Name: MERSI Short_Name: VIRR Short_Name: SBUS Short_Name: ERM End_Group Group: Orbit Orbit_Altitude: 836 km Orbit_Inclination: 98.75 Equator_Crossing: descending node local time 10:00 AM ~ 10:20 AM Local time: e.g. Period: 101 Orbit_Type: LEO > LOW EARTH ORBIT > POLAR NON-SUN-SYNCHRONOUS End_Group Creation_Date: 2011-02-09 Online_Resource: Online_Resource: Group: Platform_Logistics Launch_Date: 2008-05-27 Launch_Site: TAIYUAN SPACE LAUNCH CENTER, CHINA Primary_Sponsor: China/NSMC End_Group End_Group (en)

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  • 2021-10-12 17:11:02.0 [sritz] Move Concepts delete broader relation (null); add broader relation (FY-3A [2f734fc9-2cfa-4a60-b71e-1357a168fbd1,754160] - FengYun-3 [84ec9a79-3594-4915-8475-66fdb6e1481c,763851]);


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