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  • More Information: "" In 1998, the Province of Ontario established the Land Information Ontario (LIO) project and directed the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) to lead it. LIO has been given a broad mandate to make Ontario's land information managed, accessible, integrateable, and affordable through the development of strategic partnering and alternative service delivery mechanisms. Specifically LIO has been directed to : - Develop and implement a planning and policy framework for land ministries, in conjunction with the Broader Public Sector and other land stakeholders; - Coordinate broad participation and stakeholder involvement in delivering a number of key projects over the next three years; and, - Support the new governance model for Land Information. The overall goal of the LIO project is to ensure that important geospatial data sets exist, and that all geospatial data about Ontario can be readily and conveniently discovered and used. These objectives are being achieved through development and implementation of the Ontario Land Information infrastructure (OLII), a permanent framework which will enable efficient discovery, production, management and distribution of land related data. The Ontario Land Information Infrastructure (OLII) is an umbrella initiative. Its various projects and activities will result in easy public access to better data at a lower cost. These projects will: - Provide internet access to discover and access land information. - Create mechanisms which allow the public sector to share their land information, - Assemble and maintain important land related data sets, and - Deliver highly accurate global positioning data. Delivered through a set of strategic partnerships within government and between government and the private sector OLII will: - Satisfy major land-information requirements of business and government, - Achieve efficiencies and enhance service delivery, - Reduce duplication of effort and cost across public and private sectors, - Enhance the management of natural resources and the environment, - Create an environment which stimulates business growth and job creation, - Be world class in its structure and capability, and - Realize tangible benefits from investments in land information. The georeferencing and access infrastructure being developed by LIO as part of OLII, coupled with its new fundamental data and information sharing mechanisms, will provide Ontario' public and private sector with quick and easy access to the quality land information they need to effectively compete in today's global market. To learn more about LIO check out its web site at "". (en)

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