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  • The Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) was founded in 1933 and became an heir to Russian traditions in fisheries researches. VNIRO is the head research institute in the system of government organizations authorized to conduct studies, conservation, and reproduction of fish resources. The system includes AzNIIRKH, AtlantNIRO, KamchatNIRO, CaspNIRKH, PINRO with its Northern Department, SakhNIRO, TINRO-Centre with its branches in Magadan, Khabarovsk, and Chukchi Peninsula. The VNIRO principal objectives can be formulated as follows: accumulation of modern fisheries knowledge as a basis for Russian fisheries development and protection of industrial interests at interdepartmental and international levels; and further development of the system of research institutions, coordination, and advancement in their activities. Website: "" [Summary provided by VNIRO.] (en)

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