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Projects > S - U > UCAA

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  • Short Title: UCAA Proposal URL: Objectives: 1. To access the present scenario and interannual variability of physical properties in the Southern Ocean; 2. To monitor the circulation, zonal and meridional transport, surface atmospheric heat budget and linkage between Pacific and India Ocean, and to devise a framework for understanding the climate variability. Observational program: 1. XBT/XCTD observations in the Indian Sector of the southern ocean to map the present state of oceanic environment; year to year variability will be monitorted using repeated sampling by using the Indian Antaractic expedition's logistic support on board the ice-class vessels sailing between Africa and India's Antarctic station- Maitri. Additional hydrographic work will be carried out in areas of water mass formation in the Ross and Weddell Seas and subantarctic zone. 2. Measurement of atmospheric stability parameters along the ship track to understand the zonal/meridional variations of boundary-level heat fluxes. Linkages with other EOI's: There is already integrated with science goals of CASO to establish a link between physical oceanography (of both continental margin and open ocean environments), biogeochemistry, ecology, sea ice studies, ocean-ice shelf interaction, meteorology, polar-low latitude teleconnections, and paleoclimate. (en)

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