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Projects > P - R > POLAR GATEWAYS

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  • Short Title: POLAR GATEWAYS Proposal URL: Communities living near, or within, the Arctic and Antarctic circles often feel like they are at the end of the world. IPY is an unprecedented opportunity that places polar residents right at the centre of this huge, international, global programme. The development of Polar Gateways provides an opportunity for these communities to get involved in IPY, to share their voice and concerns with the rest of the world, to unite neighbours who live at opposite ends of the world, to support the IPY community, and to reach a wide audience of tourists, media, educators, artists, and decision makers. Polar Gateways proposes to establish centres at key access points to the Arctic and Antarctic. The initial proposal includes one centre in Ushuaia, Argentina, and one in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Both of these locations are home to active communities who are excited about IPY and keen to get further involved. After establishing these centres, the hope is to extend the invitation to create similar initiatives within any interested polar gateway community, North and South. The result will therefore not only be a huge education and outreach programme for IPY, but will also connect polar communities around the world who share many concerns related to physical isolation and an immediate concern for the changing environment. Polar Gateways will fulfil a range of functions, dependent on location. These may include: -Present the IPY programme and contents in the form of displays and material -Provide local support and a friendly face to the IPY community in the field -Build a network of polar communities -Provide a natural link between IPY field activities and local initiatives -Provide a focal point about IPY to media and tourists -Provide a local space for interviews, meetings, education, information -Support local capacity building -Connect science and scientists to education and outreach programmes globally -Educate about both poles from one location -Be an outlet for IPY merchandise, leaflets, posters, cards, dvds, etc.. -Inform about the scientific content of IPY -Contribute to the web-log with local IPY stories and experiences -Provide a contact point locally for IPY queries during the relevant field seasons -Allow contact for the international media with IPY: icebergs, scientists and all! -Build up an international database of close to the poles visitors-Connect Polar Gateways to each other, and activities in the Arctic and Antarctic, via web-cams and other technology Locations for the centres have already been suggested in both Ushuaia and Lonyearbyen, as well as strong community support. This is critical for the success of such a programme. It is envisaged that the Ushuaia Centre would open in time for the 2006-7 summer season and the Longyearbyen centre would be open in time for the 2007 season, thus catching the full length of IPY. (en)

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