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  • Overview The Global Soil Wetness Project (GSWP) is an ongoing modeling activity of the International Satellite Land-Surface Climatology Project (ISLSCP), a contributing project of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX). The GSWP is charged with producing a 2-year global data set of soil moisture, temperature, runoff, and surface fluxes by integrating one-way uncoupled land surface process models (LSPs) using externally specified surface forcings and standardized soil and vegetation distributions, namely, the ISLSCP Initiative I CD-ROM data. Approximately one dozen participating LSP groups in five nations have taken the common ISLSCP forcing data to execute their state-of-the-art models over the 1987-1988 period to generate global data sets. Results of the pilot phase suggest that the GSWP framework is very useful and valuable for assessing and developing land surface models on a global scale with relatively little computational expense, and to investigate questions of land surface hydrology and land-atmosphere interaction. Motivation: The motivation for GSWP stems from the paradox that soil wetness is an important component of the global energy and water balance, but it is unknown over most of the globe. Soil wetness is the reservoir for the land surface hydrologic cycle, it is a boundary condition for atmosphere, it controls the partitioning of land surface heat fluxes, affects the status of overlying vegetation, and modulates the thermal properties of the soil. Knowledge of the state of soil moisture is essential for climate predictability on seasonal-annual time scales. However, soil moisture is difficult to measure in situ, remote sensing techniques are only partially effective, and few long-term climatologies of any kind exist. Goals: The goals of GSWP are fourfold. The project will produce state-of-the-art global data sets of soil moisture, surface fluxes, and related hydrologic quantities. It is a means of testing and developing large-scale validation techniques over land. It serves as a large-scale validation and quality check of the ISLSCP Initiative I data sets. GSWP is also a global comparison of a number of LSPs, and includes a series of sensitivity studies of specific parameterizations which should aid future model development. Production: The GSWP consists of three components: the Production Group, the Validation Group, and the Inter-Comparison Center. The Production Group consists of land surface modelers who conduct offline integrations of land surface models over a global 1 degree grid for 1987-1988 using prescribed atmospheric forcing based on observations, remote sensing and analyses. Each member of the production group produces global time-mean and instantaneous fields of surface energy and water balance terms three times per month using his/her LSP. These data are produced in a standard format and sent to the Inter-Comparison Center. In addition, each model is used to perform specific sensitivity studies. The sensitivity experiments are intended to evaluate the impact of uncertainties in model parameters and forcing fields on simulation of the surface water and energy balances. A number of different sensitivity studies were conducted by members of the Production team. Perhaps the most significant general conclusion that can be drawn from the studies is that sub-grid scale variability in infiltration, whether due to heterogeneity in soil properties or the distribution of rainfall within a grid box, has a significant impact on the simulation of runoff. Variations in vegetation properties, the vertical structure of the soil, and radiation seem to have less of an impact on simulations. These results suggest that some sort of accounting for sub-grid heterogeneity, whether through an explicit modeling of small tiles or a statistical approach, is necessary to properly partition surface water between runoff and evapotranspiration. Validation: There is also a Validation Group which assembles data sets and coordinates studies to validate the global products, either directly (by comparison to field studies or soil moisture measuring networks) or indirectly (e.g. use of modeled runoff to drive river routing schemes for comparison to streamflow data). The soil wetness data produced are being tested within a general circulation model (GCM) to evaluate their quality and their impact on seasonal to interannual climate simulations. The Winand Staring Center has volunteered to lead the validation process. The validation effort allows some other important conclusions to be drawn about the quality of the GSWP results. The use of the soil moisture product as a specified boundary condition improves the forecast ability of a climate model. This is most likely as a result of mitigating the effects of poor rainfall simulations on the surface water balance of the climate model. Secondly, comparison with observations in more detail still point to significant problems in the way the LSPs deal with soil moisture, or more generally, land surface hydrology. Yet, it is clear that the quality of the land surface model simulations are critically dependant on the quality of the land surface data (soils, vegetation, terrain, radiative parameters) and the meteorological forcing data. Inter-Comparison: An Inter-Comparison Center (ICC) has been established at the Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo for evaluating and comparing data from the different models. Comparison among the model results is used to assess the uncertainty in estimates of surface components of the moisture and energy balances at large scales, and as a quality check on the model products themselves. The ICC is also the community re-distribution point for the data produced in GSWP. The inter-comparison effort has shown that there is a large spread among the participating LSPs in terms of their partitioning of surface energy between latent and sensible heat flux, and of water between runoff and evapotranspiration. Most of the LSPs underestimated basin-scale runoff, possible due to the GSWP specification of the treatment of convective precipitation. Nonetheless, validation of the consensus runoff against streamflow data show that the LSPs as a group perform quite well where sufficient gauge-based precipitation forcing data were available, and performed poorly where gauges are sparse. For more information, link to "" (en)

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