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  • The Instituto Antártico Argentino was created under the Decree Nº 7338 on April the 17th 1951. Its founder and first director was the colonel Hernán Pujato. The goal of this creation was the need of a specialized organism to orientate, control, address and perform scientific and technical research and studies concerning this region, in coordination with the Comisión Nacional del Antártico, an institution depending on the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Stations set up at Marguerite Bay, Hope Bay, and Filchner Ice Shelf, and scientific summer seasons were the support for these goals, including a wide range of earth, sea and air sciences. On January the 26th, 1956, the Internal Rules of the Instituto Antártico Argentino are established. These Rules fix the scientific and technical nature of the institution. The Instituto Antártico Argentino becomes a dependency of the Navy Ministry, and doctor Rodolfo N. M. Panzarini (1956-57)(1958-68), Rear-admiral, Doctor on oceanography and Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires, is designed Director. Since this time, the Instituto Antártico Argentino participated in several international scientific events, as the International Geophysic Year (1957-58) and the International Quiet Sun Year (1964-65). From 1958 to 1963, the Institute managed Ellsworth Station, Weddell Sea, transferred by USA after the International Geophysic Year. In 1964, Brown base, Paradise Bay, was incorporated as a permanent scientific station. In 1970 the Dirección Nacional del Antártico, a dependency of the Ministry of Defense, was created. The new institution had administrative and logistic functions and included the Antarctic Institute as the scientific organism with three departments: Science, Technique, and Scientific Exchange. In this time, twenty-one programmes were performed, including earth sciences, biological sciencies, and atmosphere sciences, in coordination with other national and international institutions. During the 80´s, the old shelter located at Potter cove, 25 de Mayo (King George) island, was incorporated, and became latter Jubany Base, where Dallmann laboratory operates. Dallmann laboratory is the only one in Antarctida to be operated in cooperation between two countries: Germany and Argentina. Research on biological and earth science fields is carried out at this laboratory. In 2003, under the Decree Nº 207/2003 issued by the Executive Power of Argentina, the Dirección Nacional del Antártico and the Instituto Antártico Argentino became a part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Cult. Accordingly to the principles of its creation, the Instituto Antártico Argentino, as a part of Dirección Nacional del Antártico, participates at present, with its scientific, technical and administrative staff, in a wide range of national and international programmes for a better understanding of the Antarctic. Information provided by (en)

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