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  • LATMOS is a new associated research laboratory, created on January 1st, 2009, whose supervisory authorities are CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, UVSQ: University of Versailles Saint Quentin and UPMC: University of Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. It results from the merger of Service d'Aéronomie (SA) and more than half of Centre d'Etudes des Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires (CETP) and gathers activities developed by those two laboratories. LATMOS is part of IPSL: Pierre Simon Laplace Institute and OVSQ: Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers of UVSQ In 2010, LATMOS staff includes about 133 permanents employees (64 researchers, 69 engineers and technicians), 219 in total including PhD students (40), post-docs (12), and non permanent technical staff (34). The research objectives of LATMOS fall into three main themes : - Study of terrestrial atmosphere physicochemical processes (from the low atmosphere up to the stratosphere and the mesosphere) and of processes between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface (ocean/continents) - Study of planets and of solar system (atmosphere, surfaces, sub-surfaces) - Physics of heliosphere, of planets exosphere and of solar system plasmas (en)

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