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  • More Information: "" Description: ----------- Eumetsat is an inter-governmental organisation created in 1986 by 16 European States; Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The primary objective of Eumetsat is to establish, maintain and exploit European systems of operational meteorological satellites. The legal basis for Eumetsat is its Convention, an agreement under international law ratified by all of the Member States. The Convention constitutes Eumetsat as an entity with legal personality, represented by its Director, who is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the organisation. Overall direction is given by the Eumetsat Council, which meets two or three times each year and which includes delegates from all of the Member States. Initially, Eumetsat has been concerned principally with the Meteosat geostationary satellite system developed by the European Space Agency. In addition, Eumetsat is now planning the second generation of Meteosat satellites (to be operated after 1998), and is actively considering a European contribution to polar orbiting meteorological satellite systems. Between the end of the Meteosat Operational Programme and the start of Meteosat Second Generation, at least one Meteosat Transition Programme satellite is expected to be manufactured and launched. Although Eumetsat is responsible for the Meteosat Operational Programme, the archiving and dissemination of Meteosat data and data products are the responsibility of the Earthnet Programme Office. In addition to basic visible and infrared Meteosat imagery, the Meteosat Meteorological Information Extraction Centre (at ESOC) generates several meteorological products on a routine basis including: * cloud motion vectors; * sea surface temperatures; * cloud analyses; * upper tropospheric humidity; * cloud top height; * climate data set; * precipitation index; * International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) data; * Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) data. System Contact: -------------- For further information on the Meteosat satellite system and other Eumetsat activities, interested parties are invited to view the Eumetsat Electronic Bulletin Board. Further information relating specifically to the ordering of Meteosat data products should be directed to: Meteosat Data Services, Meteosat Exploitation Project, Attention Mr. J. Le Ber, European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), Robert Bosch Strasse 5, D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany. Telephone: +49 6151 90 2534 Facsimile: +49 6151 90 495 Telex: 419 453 Access Procedures: ----------------- The Eumetsat Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) has been created in order to provide up-to-date information about Meteosat, other meteorological satellite systems and related activities. You can also obtain information about all Meteosat images, image-related data and meteorological products which are routinely archived at the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC). This Bulletin is accessible 24 hours every day, including Sundays and bank holidays and from any country in the world. It may be accessed in either one of the following modes: * Via the Packet Switching Network DATEX-P The NUI is: +262 45 6151 30059 Requirements: The modem or acoustic-coupler should operate with data transfer rates of 300, 1200 or 2400 bit/sec (ORIGINATE, FULL DUPLEX) and the telecommunication software should use 8 Data Bits, No parity and 1 Stop Bit. * Via direct telephone lines: The two direct telephone lines can be accessed using one single telephone number: +49 6151 51052 Requirements: All modem attached to this direct dial access point automatically adapt to any of the following standards: SPEED bit/sec CCITT Standard 1200 V.22 2400 V.22bis Make sure that the modem or the acoustic-coupler is running a configuration with ORIGINATE, ACKNOWLEDGE and FULL DUPLEX. The telecommunication software should use 8 Data Bits, No parity and one stop bit. * Via the Prototype International Directory Use the 'LINK' facility Ordering/Price Policy: --------------------- THE RECEPTION OF DIGITAL AND ANALOGUE METEOSAT IMAGERY - The distribution and charging policy related to analogue and digital Meteosat imagery was determined by the Eumetsat Council in 1988. It distinguishes between use inside the territories of the Eumetsat Member States and use outside this area. The fundamental principle is that each Member State is in charge of the distribution and charging within its own territory. Outside the territories of the Member States Eumetsat takes care of the distribution and charging. To receive analogue or digital imagery from Meteosat, permission must be obtained from Eumetsat (for areas outside the Eumetsat Member States), or from the national meteorological service of the relevant country (for areas within the Eumetsat Member States). In each case a fee may be payable. Applications to Eumetsat should be addressed to: The Director, Eumetsat, Am Elfengrund 45, D-6100, Darmstadt-Eberstadt, Germany. Telephone: +49 6151 53920 Facsimile: +49 6151 539225 Telex: 419 7335 emet d BASIC METEOSAT DATA AND METEOSAT METEOROLOGICAL PRODUCTS - Meteosat data and Meteosat Meteorological Products are priced according to a two-tier system. `Category A' users belong to Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, The United Kingdom. `Category B' users belong to all other countries. Details of specific prices may be obtained from Meteosat Data Services (address above). Available Distribution Media: ---------------------------- Individual Meteosat images or image sectors can be retrieved from the archive on CCTs or as high quality photographic images. (en)

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