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  • Short Title: CIYCP Proposal URL: Over a million indigenous people inhabit the circumpolar Arctic. Understandably, one of their main priorities over the past decade has been to improve their social and economic well-being and increase their political voice. However, in light of the ominous predictions about the impacts of global warming on the Arctic ecosystem and the recent rash of catastrophic natural events in both hemispheres, there is growing recognition that significant attention also needs to be paid to protecting the natural environment, which is the third component of sustainable development. For this, much of the burden will fall to the youth who make up well over 50% of the Arctic's indigenous populations and are acknowledged as one of the world's fastest growing demographic groups. As they move into adulthood, these young people will soon be faced with the challenge of achieving sustainable livelihoods while protecting their natural environment and conserving its ecological resources and integrity. This will mean making hard choices between oft-competing land and resource uses while maintaining a healthy and reasonable balance between economic, environmental, cultural and social goals. Their task will be further compounded by differing social perceptions and by economic, political and environmental decisions made in multinational and global fora. To help them better face these challenges, it is prudent to begin equipping them with the proper knowledge and skills they will need to make informed decisions on their environment and on sustainable resource use, to acquaint them with global and regional environmental instruments and issues and to engage them early in the ongoing processes, dialogue and debates. This Circumpolar Indigenous Youth Conservation Project consists of three inter-related components designed to achieve these goals. The three components of the Circumpolar Indigenous Youth Conservation Project are: - A series of Circumpolar Indigenous Youth Conservation Workshops to a) better familiarise indigenous youth from the north with contemporary conservation and sustainable use issues and instruments, b) provide them with an opportunity to exchange ideas on the environment and on conservation, and c) seek their input on priorities and future directions for this pilot Circumpolar Conservation Project. A preliminary design for Workshop I has been completed. The executing agency for this component will be the Toronto Zoo. - An updateable two-part Circumpolar Indigenous Youth Conservation Guide to a) educate and inform young indigenous people on the various global and regional conservation instruments, programmes and organisations relevant to the north, and b) provide an overview of important conservation issues and challenges of particular relevance for northern indigenous peoples. A preliminary design for the two parts of the Guide has been prepared. The executing agency for this component will be Twin Dolphins. - A pilot Circumpolar Indigenous Youth Conservation Network, initially set up on a trial basis, to a) provide a participatory mechanism for northern indigenous youth to become more involved and engaged in conservation issues and debates, b) integrate them into the processes of conservation and c) to provide them with an ongoing opportunity for dialogue and input. This component is being addressed from both a technical and a content standpoint. It will be carried out in three phases beginning with a Technical Experts Meeting, followed by a Feasibility Study and by a Trial Implementation and Evaluation phase to be carried out in co-operation with several northern schools across the Arctic. A preliminary description of the phases of Component III has been prepared and investigations are now underway to select the appropriate agencies and schools to execute the Network component. Note: The project proponents are currently investigating the potential of adding a fourth component as a corollary to this Project. This would be a circumpolar network of ex-situ conservation facilities to include, inter alia, the Toronto Zoo and zoos from other countries with expertise in Arctic conservation. These facilities would supplement, complement and enhance the education and outreach components of the Circumpolar Indigenous Youth Conservation Project. The project proponents are currently investigating adding this as a corollary component. This Project is consistent with and responds to the overall objectives of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Implementation Plan; the Millennium Development Goals and Strategy; the UN Decade of Education; and is consistent with the goals and objectives of major Regional and Global Conservation Instruments and Programmes (en)

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