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  • Past Global Changes (PAGES) is the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) Core Project charged with providing a quantitative understanding of the Earth's past environment and defining the envelope of natural environmental variability within which we can assess anthropogenic impact on the Earth's biosphere, geosphere and atmosphere. In order to permit validation of their effectiveness, models intended to predict future environmental changes must be capable of accurately reproducing conditions known to have occurred in the past. PAGES seeks to obtain and interpret a variety of palaeoclimatic records to provide the data essential for the validation of predictive climatic models. PAGES seeks the integration and intercomparison of ice, ocean and terrestrial palaeorecords, and encourages the creation of consistent analytical and database methodologies within the palaeosciences. PAGES research is divided into five focus areas with associated activities and tasks: Focus 1: Global Paleoclimate and Environmental Variability Paleoclimate of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (PANASH) - PEP I (Pole-Equator-Pole I): The Americas Transect - PEP II: The Austral-Asian Transect - PEP III: Afro-European Transect Focus 2: CLIVAR/PAGES Intersection Focus 3: International Marine Past Global Changes (IMAGES) Focus 4: Polar Programs - Circum Arctic Paleoenvironments (CAPE) - Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North project (Queen) - International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE) - Antarctic Ice Margin Evolution (ANTIME) Focus 5: Past Ecosystems Processes and Human-Environment Interactions - HITE (Human Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems) - LUCIFS (Land Used and Climate Impacts on Fluvial Systems during the Period of Agriculture) - LIMPACS (Human Impact on Lake Ecosystems) Contact: ------- PAGES International Project Office Baerenplatz 2 CH-3011 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41-31) 312 3133 Fax: (+41-31) 312 3168 E-mail: URL: "" PAGES data is archived at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology, Boulder, CO. See "" for mirror sites and "" [This information was obtained from the IGBP and PAGES websites.] (en)

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