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Projects > A - C > CI2

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  • The FIRE Cirrus Intensive Field Observations-II (IFO-II) was conducted November 13 - December 3, 1991, in southeastern Kansas. The goal of Cirrus IFO-II was to investigate the cloud properties and physical processes of mid-continent cirrus clouds and advected sub-tropical cirrus clouds. The Cirrus IFO-II combined coordinated satellite, airborne, and surface-based observations with modeling activities to study the roles and interactions of processes acting over telescoping scales ranging from the microscale to the large-scale and on characterizing the physical, radiative, and optical properties of cirrus clouds (E7IRE Cirrus Intensive Field Observations-II: Operations Plan, 1991). The data has been instrumental in developing parameterizations relating cloud-scale processes to climate-scale variables, and in improving our understanding and utilization of ISCCP data products. SCENTIFIC OBJECTIVES: The key science objectives for the Cirrus IFO-II field experiment were to: Incorporate FIRE-I data and -II data into models of varying scale and complexity for the purpose of developing and testing CIRRUS parameterizations and assessing capabilities to reliably simulate cirrus development on short and long time scales. Characterize the physical, thermodynamical, and dynamical development of cirrus clouds on the synoptic scale, the mesoscale, the convective/turbulent scale, and the microscale. Characterize relationships among various cirrus cloud optical properties, including, cloud optical depths in the visible, near infrared, and infrared, cloud scattering phase functions, and cloud single-scattering albedos; and the corresponding cloud physical properties, including, particle size, number density, phase, and habit, and cloud height, temperature, and thickness. Explicitly quantify the capabilities and limitations of methods to derive physical and optical cirrus cloud properties from satellite observations, especially ISCCP, and future techniques for producing global cloud climatologies in the EOS era. Quantify the impact of cirrus clouds on the surface, atmosphere, and top-of- atmosphere radiation budgets. Improve the capability to utilize surface-based active and passive remote sensing observations for quantitative studies of cirrus clouds. For more information, link to "" (en)

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