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Projects > M - O > NACP-ARKEBAUER-01

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  • Controls on Soil Surface CO2, N2O and CH4 Fluxes, Ecosystem Respiration and Global Warming Potentials in Great Plains Agricultural Ecosystems NACP Project Profile The main hypothesis of the proposed research is that ecosystem respiration is a major determinant of annual net ecosystem carbon exchange and global warming potential, and their interannual variability, for maize and soybean agroecosystems in the Great Plains region. The research will determine annual ecosystem respiration and global warming potential (and their associated interannual variability) for major agroecosystems in the Great Plains region through the acquisition of unique datasets on continuous, year round measurements of soil surface trace gas fluxes using a series of autochambers. We will couple the surface CO2 fluxes with continuous estimates of aboveground plant respiration in order to provide annually integrated estimates of ecosystem respiration. We will also determine annual global warming potentials in the selected agroecosystems using the continuous measurements of surface N2O and CH4 fluxes. In addition, we will obtain information on biophysical and physiological controlling factors governing spatial and temporal variability in surface gas fluxes, ecosystem respiration and global warming potentials in these systems. The research will increase our understanding of the basic physical and biological processes controlling surface-atmosphere exchange of energy-related greenhouse gases in the context of major agricultural land management systems in the United States. The following information will be obtained for major agroecosystems in the Great Plains region: (1) annual ecosystem respiration and global warming potential and their associated interannual variability in these cropping systems at the field scale, (2) information on biophysical and physiological controlling factors which help explain the variability in ecosystem respiration and global warming potential, and (3) unique datasets on continuous, year round measurements of soil surface CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes, depth profiles of trace gas concentrations and relevant supporting variables in the selected agroecosystems. (en)

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