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  • The Mission of the Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division is to promote and implement the principles and ethics of conservation and sustainable use of wildlife populations, habitats and ecosystems in Nova Scotia. It's goals are to: -Conserve the diversity of wildlife species and the integrity of habitats upon which wildlife depend. -Ensure that all uses of wildlife are sustainable. -Ensure that planning, decision-making and management action involving wildlife species and habitats are based on the best scientific and traditional knowledge available. -Provide equitable opportunities for Nova Scotians to use and to share the benefits afforded by wildlife species Website: "" [Summary provided by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Renewable Resources Branch, Wildlife Division.] (en)

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  • 2015-02-25 16:37:14.0 [epneff] Updated URL update Definition (The Mission of the Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division is to promote and implement the principles and ethics of conservation and sustainable use of wildlife populations, habitats and ecosystems in Nova Scotia. It?s goals are to: -Conserve the diversity of wildlife species and the integrity of habitats upon which wildlife depend. -Ensure that all uses of wildlife are sustainable. -Ensure that planning, decision-making and management action involving wildlife species and habitats are based on the best scientific and traditional knowledge available. -Provide equitable opportunities for Nova Scotians to use and to share the benefits afforded by wildlife species Website: "" [Summary provided by Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Renewable Resources Branch, Wildlife Division.]);


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