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  • The SMS satellite series (1 and 2) were spin-stabilized (100 rpm) and operated in a West-to-East, geo-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 35,800 km (22,300 mi) above the equator. These were the first and second prototypes for the GOES satellite series. At this altitude it circled the axis of the Earth once in 24 hours, making its speed synonymous with the Earth's rotation, so that the satellite remained essentially stationary over a given geographical point. The two SMS satellites were employed to provide overlapping coverage that centers on the U.S. and extends over the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. The scanning system consisted of a mirror that is stepped mechanically to provide North to South viewing, while the rotation of the satellite provided West to East scanning. The mirror is stepped following each West to East scan, with each step resulting in a change in scan angle of 192 microradians, or 7 km near nadir. A sequence of 1821 scans is performed to provide a 'full disk' view from the Northern to the Southern Earth horizon. At the rotation rate of 100 rpm, 18.21 minutes are required to complete one full North to South view of the Earth. The VISSR field of view provides a ground resolution of 0.9km in the visible, and 3.0km in the infrared. Entry taken from: Cornillon, P., A Guide to Environmental Satellite Data, University of Rhode Island Marine Technical Report 79, 1982. Data Catalog Series for Space Science and Applications Flight Missions, National Space Science Data Center/World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites, Volume 2A, September 1982. Data Catalog Series for Space Science and Applications Flight Missions, National Space Science Data Center/World Data Center A for Rockets and Satellites, Volume 4A, July 1985. Rao, P.K., S.J. Holmes, R.K. Anderson, J.S. Winston, and P.E. Lehr, Weather Satellites: Systems, Data, and Environmental Applications, American Metorological Society, Boston, 1990. ISBN 0-933876-66-1 The GOES Data Users Guide, 1984. Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: SMS Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: Earth Observation Satellites Platform_Series_or_Entity: SMS (Synchronous Meteorological Satellites) Short_Name: SMS Long_Name: Synchronous Meteorological Satellites End_Group Group: Synonymous_Platform_Names Short_Name: SMS End_Group Creation_Date: 2007-11-13 Online_Resource: Sample_Image: Group: Platform_Logistics Launch_Date: 1966-12-07 Primary_Sponsor: NASA End_Group End_Group (en)


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