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  • The purpose of the NASA Portable S-band Multiparamerer Weather Research Radar (NPOL) is to measure vertical distribution of radar reflectivity and rainfall rates. Other Information: Platform: KAMP Temporal Resolution: Continuous operation, full volume scans every ten minutes, special scans to support aircraft operations Spatial Resolution: 300 Km long range scans, 150 Km range for most high resolution data scans. 150 m range resolution, 1.5 degree beam width so the sample volume increases with range Data Volume Per Day: 2 GB (estimate) 140 full volume scans, 140 surveillance scans per day In-Field Quick Look Products: Real time PPI scans of reflectivities and velocities, near real time displays of all radar products, including RHI's, CAPPI's, and Polarimetric products. Gif images of the radar displays can be sent via the Internet in near real time. Direct Products: Raw radar files along with a list any corrections needed for calibration Derived Products: None planned since raw files can be used to generate any product of interest. Potential Products: For case studies - full product suites can be produced including calibrated reflectivites and line of sight velocities, differential reflectivity, differential phase, and linear depolarization ratios. Derived products can include rain rates and hydrometeor classifications. Preferred Aircraft Maneuvers: Flying along radials to the NPOL Frequency of Maneuvers: Whenever feasible Unfavorable Aircraft Maneuvers: Flying data flights directly over NPOL (radar can not go past 90 degrees in elevation and if the plane takes data while flying over the radar, radar data will be lost while the antenna is rotated 180 degrees in azimuth) Unfavorable Environmental Conditions: Hurricane force winds at the radar location Dropsondes Requested Per Mission: 1-2 in the aircraft mission area with in range of NPOL Preferred Atmospheric Conditions All weather conditions Aircraft to Perform Drop: no preference Desired Data Sources: Microphysical, radar (S,C and X-band), sondes, profiler, disdrometers and raingauges Mission Planning Needs: WSR-88D, Internet access, communications Additional information available at "" [Summary provided by NASA] (en)

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