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  • The ICES Service Hydrographique data centre is contained within the Secretariat of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). It provides marine information and is a centre for oceanographic data from the ICES area (North Atlantic and adjacent seas excluding the Mediterranean). It acts as National Data Centre for some Scandinavian Countries and as project data centre for ICES sponsored oceanographic programmes, handling physical, chemical, biological and pollution data. All Oceanographic data are stored in ICES format and selections can be made available, at cost, on magnetic tape (800, 1600,6250 bpi) on ms-dos formatted floppy diskettes or printout. ROSCOP information can be supplied with retrieval software, also on ms-dos floppy diskette. ROSCOP information is freely available immediately on receipt but all project data and other data collected within the preceding 10 years are available only with the permission of the originator. Contact: ICES Service Hydrographique Palaegade 2, DK-1261 Copenhagen K, Denmark Tel:+44 (45) 1 15 42 25 Telex 22498 ices dk Telenet/OMNET: ICES.SECRETARIAT Telefax: +44 (45) 1 93 42 15 (en)

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