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Projects > D - F > FOODBANCS

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  • [From ""] "Primary production in Antarctic coastal waters is highly seasonal, yielding an intense pulse of biogenic particles to the continental shelf floor. This seasonal pulse may have major ramifications for carbon cycling, benthic ecology, and material burial on the west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) shelf. Thus, we propose a multi-disciplinary program ot evaluate the seafloor accumulation, fate and benthic community impacts of bloom material along a transect of three stations crossing the Antarctic shelf in the Palmer LTER study area. Using a seasonal series of five cruises to our transects, we will test the following hypotheses: 1) A substantial proportion of spring/summer export production (circa 50%) is deposited on the WAP shelf as phytodetritus or fecal pellets. 2) The deposited bloom production is a source of labile POC (or a 'food bank') for benthos for an extended period of time (months) 3) Large amounts of labile bloom POC are rapidly subducted into the sediment column by the deposit-feeding and caching activities of benthos 4) Macrobenthic detritivores sustain a rapid increase in biomass and abundance following the spring/summer POC pulse To test these hypotheses we will use multiple-core and box-core samples, radiochemical profiles, sediment respirometry, and time-lapse bottom photography to evaluate (a) seabed deposition and lability of POC, (b) patterns of POC mixing into sediments, (c) seasonal variations in macrofaunal and megafaunal abundance, biomass and reproductive condition, and (d) rates of POC and silica mineralization and accumulation in the seabed. Fluxes of biogenic materials and radionuclides into midwater particle traps (D.Karl, P.I.) will be contasted with our seabed deposition and burial rates to establish water-column and seabed preservation efficiencies for these materials. Cruises (each 10-d in length) will be conducted to collect these data in: November 1999 (shortly pre-bloom); Feb-Mar 2000 (at the end of the POC pulse); Apr-May 2000 (near the end of the ice-free summer period), Sept-Oct 2000 (near the end of the winter-ice period), and Feb-Mar 2001 (end of second annual POC pulse). This project will substantially improve our understanding of the spring/summer production pulse on the WAP shelf, and its impacts on seafloor communities and carbon cycling in Antarctic coastal ecosystems." Craig R Smith and David J DeMaster, Principal Investigators (en)

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