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Providers > ACADEMIC > LSU/ESL

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  • The mission of the Louisiana State University Earth Scan Laboratory (ESL) s to support research, education, and public service/emergency response with near real time or archival remotely sensed satellite data, its processing, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination. From its central location, the ESL can capture satellite data covering the entire Gulf of Mexico, most of the Western Atlantic, the extreme Eastern Pacific, and the land mass from the Hudson Bay to the northern most part of South America. This data is permanently archived creating a growing record of environmental data for education, research, economic, and forensic applications. This satellite data is a valuable asset for management decision making that involves environmental conditions, such as: -Surveillance of coastal and estuarine waters surface temperatures, coastal circulation changes, water quality, sediment transport, algal blooms, and coastal flooding for effective management of coastal resources. -Detecting and tracking coastal and ocean currents, eddies, and water mass boundaries in the Gulf of Mexico for oil spill response, oil and gas operations, coastal and pelagic fisheries, and weather forecasting. -Tracking and forecasting the movement of severe storms over land and sea -Providing atmospheric information in areas of frontogenesis and cyclogenesis over the Gulf of Mexico, needed for severe storm detection and forecasting -Detecting forest and brush fires and their progress in remote regions -Detecting river flooding in local detail for state disaster-related decision makers -Detecting vegetation stress (water or parasitic) of agricultural land and forests for crop yield forecasting and management -Monitoring and forecasting of river and coastal fog for offshore petroleum, fisheries, and other maritime industries Website: [Summary provided by Louisiana State University.] (en)

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