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Projects > M - O > MAX91

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  • Scientific Objective and Current Program Status: The scientific objective of Max '91 is to investigate the fundamental unsolved problems of flare physics including the processes of energy storage, release, and transport, and particle acceleration. To address these central scientific issues, the Max '91 observing program utilizes advanced instrumentation on spacecraft, rockets, and balloons, and at ground-based observatories. It covers the electromagnetic spectrum from radio through optical to X-rays and gamma-rays, and includes measurements of neutrons and charged particles in interplanetary space. Max '91 is designed to make major advances in solar flare physics through observations of high energy flare phenomena and of the magnetic and thermal context in which they take place. This will be achieved using recent advances in instrumentation technology that now make it possible, for the first time, to observe several of the most important processes on their intrinsic spatial, spectral and temporal scales. The core space missions for Max '91 will be the Japanese Yohkoh spacecraft, the Gamma Ray Observatory, and the spacecraft of the Global Geospace Studies program, particularly WIND and CLUSTER. Instruments on rockets will provide high-resolution images and spectra in the UV, EUV, and soft X-rays during the preflare and thermal phases. In addition to these space observations, NASA has a program of flights of advanced hard X-ray and gamma-ray instrumentation capable of making many types of observations not possible from these spacecraft or rockets. The NASA Max '91 Solar Balloon Program consisted of long-duration balloon flights in the Antarctic. The Berkeley Hard X-Ray and Gammay Ray Spectrometer with Robert Lin as Primary Investigator obtained balloon data during the December 1990 campaign. Since MAX'91 is part of the FLARES 22 international campaign, many ground-based observatories around the world has participated in monitoring the Sun during the MAX-91 campaign periods. Project Description: Max '91 is a program of flare research to observe the sun during the 1991 solar maximum in several campaigns from instruments around the world and in space. The following observing campaigns have been successfully completed: SMM, VLA, and Collaborative Observations 1990, June 16 - July 2 Energetic Solar Phenomena 1990 1990, December 20 - 1991, January 13 Target-of-Opportunity Campaign to Observe Active Region 6659 1991, June 6-17 Gamma-Ray, Hard X-Ray, and Neutron Studies of Solar Flares 1991, October 3-17 Multiwavelength/Multispacecraft Observations of Solar Flares 1992, January 6-24 Workshops have been held discussing campaign results, and their proceedings are available from the program office on request. The campaigns have been in a spirit of collaboration by scientists from all continents and featured the coordinated use of ground based telescopes in various spectral bands, and instruments on various spacecraft. The data are held by the individual investigators. The Max '91 campaign distributes brief descriptions of the participating instruments, coverage, and the names and addresses of the investigators to contact. The Max '91 program office organizes the campaigns and subsequent meetings, provides support in the form of exchange of campaign information before, during and after the campaign, and fosters development of new instrumentation. After the campaign phase, which lasts from 1991-1994, a three to four year phase of data analyses and interpretation will be part of the Max '91 program. The Max '91 Program is an integral part of the international FLARES 22 program so that the maximum scientific return can be obtained with the limited available resources. Information is distributed via electronic mail, electronic file transfers on SPAN and INTERNET, IUWDS Ursigram - GEOALERTS, electronic bulletin board service, TELEX and FAX. During the campaign daily Campaign Action notices are directly transmitted to the participants. In addition, Max '91 workshops are held yearly. Several specific research programs are sponsored in the USA by NSF and NASA in the framework of this campaign. The campaign coordinator will supply further information on obtaining on-line information. Campaign Coordinator: Dr. Alan Kiplinger Email: SPAN > 9555::AKIPLINGER NOAA Space Environment Laboratory SPAN > SELVAX::AKIPLINGER Boulder, CO 80303 INTERNET > AKIPLINGER@ Publications (Available on request): (1) Newsletter: MAXFACTS, optionally available via e-mail. Contact the Campaign Coordinator to be put on the mailing list. (2) 'Summary of Campaign # 1, SMM, VLA, and Collaborative Observations June 16 - July 2, 1989', Alan Kiplinger, Max '91 Coordinator (3) 'Max '91 Workshop #2: Developments in Observations and Theory for Solar Cycle 22', 8-9 June 1989, Robert M. Winglee and Brian R. Dennis, Eds. (4) 'Flares 22/MAX '91 Summary of Campaigns,' Alan Kiplinger, 1992 (3 campaigns) (5) 'Flares 22/ MAX '91 Campaign Summary,' Alan Kiplinger, 1992 (en)

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