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  • Short Title: Hydro-sensor-FLOWS Project URL: Proposal URL: This activity joints EoI n° 535 (LovenFLOWS presented by M. Griselin, France and EoI n° 233 (SUGLANET, presented by A. Eraso, Spain). The two teams worked together for a long time concerning Svalbard Hydrology and are linked by a convention between CNRS (French Scientific Research Center) and IPEV (French Polar Institute). The objective of this clustering project is to investigate the hydrology of polar and subpolar glacier basins. It is known that discharge of temperate glaciers (1–1.2 m3.s-1 km-2) is bigger than that coming from subpolar glaciers (0.2–0.3 m3.s-1 km-2), but also it is true that extension of subpolar glaciers (ca.750,000 km2) is 10 times bigger than that of temperate glaciers (ca.70,000 km2). By considering these data, the discharge of subpolar glaciers due to the global warming may be as important as those coming from temperate glaciers. However, the hydrological response of subpolar glaciers to atmospheric inputs is not well-know and may be precised by continuous monitoring of some parameters at key-locations on basins. New technologies in the fields of information and communication drastically increased the observation capacity of scientists. In very reactive environments such as polar regions, it is now possible to enhance qualitative and quantitative observations using automatic data collection sensor webs. The development of such networks is bringing new tools to answer hypothesis that were so far lacking a continuous database to be studied. Such is the situation of arctic hydro-systems for which the most data available over the last forty years are discontinuous, usually summer measurements. The originality of this program is to investigate the hydrology of glacier basins through continuous survey, over a period of several years, that is necessary to quantify the hydrosystems reactivity to climatic variations (hourly, daily, seasonally even yearly). Through this cluster, the dynamics of polar hydrology will be approached continuously at two different scales on 5 representative polar basins of Arctic (3) and Antarctic (2). 1. At a local scale, a sensor-web will be developed on the Loven East glacier (Svalbard): this glacier is representative of the alpine type glaciers of Svalbard and is hydrologically studied by the French and by the Spanish scientists since 40 years. The goal is to analyze liquid and solid fluxes from this hydro-system with a sensor web (both remote and in situ sensing). An environmental watch will be conducted in this area over a three years period through a network of photographic stations, hydrological sensors and meteorological stations. All the ground data will be transmitted automatically thus contributing to set up a true “sensor web”. The database will allow a global approach of spatial and temporal dynamics of the Loven East hydrosystem. Field surveys will also be conducted regarding the different inputs to the system. Remote sensing data, aerial photographs, meteorological data and hydrological information will allow the quantification of the system reactivity to contemporary climatic fluctuations. Experimental pilot catchment areas will be implemented to register glacier discharge continuously, recordering time series with hourly cycle-time of different hydrological parameters (water level, conductivity, water temperature, pH, solid contents). In laboratory, using correlative and spectral analysis between input time series (meteorological parameters as air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, precipitation amounts) and output time series (hydrological parameters), we will establish their characteristics in the time and frequency domains. The use of cross-correlogram for temperature and discharge, for example, will define the influence of air temperature to the glacier discharge, as well as its law of time distribution, that means the glacier response to weather changes and global warming. Chemical and isotopic analyses will be performed on water for completing the model of water circulation within the system (surface water, subglacial water and groundwater). 2. At a global scale, the Spanish group started to develop the GLACE Project in 2001: “GLAciers, Cryokarst and Environment” (Proyecto GLACKMA, in Spanish). At the moment, 4 experimental pilot catchement have been implemented to assess the latitude effect on the hydrology of glaciers: 2 for temperate glaciers (Iceland at 64ºN and Patagonia at 51ºS) and two for polar glaciers (Svalbard at 79ºN and Insular Antarctica at 62ºS in subpolar glaciers). For all them, the discharge glacier is registering continuously. For the IPY, those stations will be maintained for generating time series in hourly frequencies like for the Loven East sensor-web. Additional new stations will be set up (at less one in the Antarctic Peninsula at S63º24’ near ECARE, another in the Eastern Antarctica at 71ºS near Novolazarevskaya and another one around 70ºN latitude) for studying the variability of the global warming impact. (en)

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