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Projects > G - I > GIOVANNI-3

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  • The GES-DISC Interactive Online Visualization and Analysis Infrastructure (Giovanni) is the underlying infrastructure for a growing family of Web interfaces that allows users to analyze gridded data interactively online without having to download any data. Through Giovanni, users are invited to discover and explore our data using sophisticated analyses and ... visualizations. In the future, there will be more instances of Giovanni available and we encourage your feedback! Features of Giovanni Current features of Giovanni include: -Access to data from multiple remote sites as well as local sites. -Server-side temporal and spatial subsetting. -Server-side processing. -Support for multiple data formats including Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), HDF-EOS, network Common Data Form (netCDF), GRIdded Binary (GRIB), and binary. -Support for multiple plot types including area, time, Hovmoller, and image animation. -Support for outputting data in ASCII format in multiple resolutions. -Parameter intercomparisons -Easily configurable to support customized portals for measurements-based projects or disciplines. Giovanni supports many plot types as well as ASCII output of results. Goals of Giovanni The principal design goal for Giovanni was to provide a quick and simple interactive means for science data users to study various phenomena by trying various combinations of parameters measured by different instruments, arrive at a conclusion, and then generate graphs suitable for a publication. Alternatively, Giovanni would provide a means to ask relevant what-if questions and get back answers that would stimulate further investigations. This would all be done without having to download and preprocess large amounts of data. A secondary design goal was for Giovanni to be easily configurable, extensible, and portable. The GES DISC currently runs Giovanni on Linux, SGI, and Sun platforms. Another goal of Giovanni was to off-load as much as possible the data processing workload onto the machines hosting the data and to reduce data transfers to a minimum. Given the enormous amount of HDF data at the GES DISC Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC), it was a requirement that Giovanni support HDF, HDF-EOS, as well as binary. Summary provided by (en)

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