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  • "" The vision of the Ministry of the Environment is an Ontario where human health, recreation, commerce and industry are sustained by clean air, water and land. To fulfil this vision, the ministry sets clear policies, standards and rules to protect the environment and to encourage conservation activities. Along with monitoring the environment and enforcing these rules, the ministry looks for innovative approaches to complement regulations. This ncludes building partnerships with communities, industries and organizations to find flexible, practical, cost-effective ways to strengthen environmental protection and conservation efforts. A healthy, natural environment is vital to the well-being of our families and to the province's ability to attract investment and jobs. We play an important role in making this province the best jurisdiction in North America in which to live work, and raise a family by providing better, stronger and clearer environmental protection. The ministry is in the business of safeguarding our environment by working to ensure cleaner air, cleaner water, cleaner land and healthier ecosystems for the health and welfare of all Ontarians. We establish standards that protect human health and the environment, and develop policies and guidelines to implement these standards. We establish and enforce legislation and regulations to ensure the environment is protected. By monitoring trends in environmental quality and applying sound science, technology and research we are able to determine the effectiveness of our programs and the risks of pollution on human health and the natural environment. We coordinate responses to environmental incidents and enforce the rules that protect our air, water and land ensuring that polluters cleanup the damage they have caused. We also work in partnership with others to prevent pollution and to achieve common environmental objectives by inviting industry, municipalities, communities, organizations, academia, and individuals to find innovative solutions to environmental challenges. The ministry is also in the business of encouraging environmentally sustainable use of water, land, energy and material resources. This means maximizing efficient use of resource materials and becoming better stewards of the environment. We all benefit from these efforts. Environmental damage caused by pollution is prevented, the life of non-renewable resources is extended and the economy and taxpayers benefit by more efficient use of available resources and reduced costs to consumers and industry. We continue to rely on partnerships with industry, municipalities, communities, organizations, academia, and individuals to achieve our conservation and stewardship targets. By providing guidance, we can reduce pollutants and waste, save energy and conserve water. We also continue to help promote Ontario's green industry sector and to encourage development of new environmental technologies and innovative solutions to conservation issues. (en)

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