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Projects > G - I > GARP/FGGE

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  • Science Objectives: -Understanding atmospheric motion for the development of more realistic models for weather prediction. -Assessing the limit of predictability of weather systems. -Designing an optimum composite meteorological observing system for routine numerical weather prediction of the large-scale features of the general circulation. -Investigating the physical mechanisms underlying climate fluctuations and to develop and test appropriate climate models. Project Description: GARP (Global Atmospheric Research Program) was organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) to study the dynamics of atmospheric behavior with the goal of improving the accuracy of weather forecasting. The First GARP Global Experiment (FGGE) which is also known as the Global Weather Experiment (GWE) was carried out under this joint program. The experiment began 1 December 1978 and ended 30 November 1979. This venture involved over 140 countries and was the largest international atmospheric experiment of its time. The FGGE also encompassed the summer and winter Asian Monsoon Experiments (MONEX) and the West African Monsoon Experiment (WAMEX) designed to study monsoonal circulations. The FGGE was designed to observe and measure the development of global weather systems and to accumulate an enormous data set for investigating the physics and dynamics of the global atmospheric circulation and for understanding the mechanisms governing changes in weather and climate. Data Sources: The FGGE observing system consisted of the World Weather Watch (WWW) surface/upper-air network and voluntary observing ships, commercial aircraft, polar orbiting and geostationary satellites, drifting meteorological buoys mainly in the southern hemispheric oceans. During special observing periods (SOP) 5 January - 5 March 1979 and 1 May - June 30 1979, additional observing systems comprised of tropical wind observing ships, meteorological reconnaissance aircraft and stratospheric constant-level balloons were deployed. The WWW observing system consisted of 1030 upper-air stations, 2390 surface stations and surface synoptic reports from Mobile Ship Stations. Flight level data were supplied by 80 commercial aircraft equipped with the Aircraft Integrated Data System (AIDS) providing temperature and wind measurements, along with 17 commercial aircraft equipped with the Aircraft to Satellite Data Relay (ASDAR) system providing identical data. The three polar orbiting satellites, NOAA-5, TIROS-N and NOAA-6 contributed temperature and humidity profiles, sea surface temperature (SST) data, high resolution pictures of clouds, surface wind speed over the oceans, total atmospheric water vapor and stratospheric soundings (NIMBUS-7). TIROS-N and NOAA-6 also supported the ARGOS data collection and platform location system associated with the Southern Hemisphere Buoy System and the Tropical Constant Level Balloon System. The five geostationary satellites, METEOSAT, GOES-Indian Ocean, GMS, GOES-WEST and GOES-EAST provided upper-air wind vectors from cloud motions, SST and communication support for ASDAR. The Southern Hemisphere Drifting Buoy System consisted of 301 buoys transmitting SST and pressure data to the TIROS-N/ARGOS system with additional buoys distributed by aircraft as gaps developed. The Tropical Wind Observing Ships (TWOS) totaling 40 in SOP I and 43 in SOP II were equipped with upper-air sounding systems and wind-finding radar. The Aircraft Dropwindsonde System (ACDWS) consisted of a fleet of long-range aircraft flying daily during the two SOP's along six tracks in the equatorial tropics, three in the Pacific, one in the Atlantic and two in the Indian Ocean. Flight level data was obtained while 5091 sondes yielded temperature, pressure and humidity observations from below the flight altitude (200-400mb) to the surface. The Tropical Constant Level Balloon System (TCLBS) utilized 313 balloon launches at the 140mb level (above ACDWS) from Canton Island and Guam in the Pacific, and Ascension Island in the Atlantic to provide wind observations. Data Products: The GARP/FGGE data are identified as Level-I, II and III corresponding to raw data (primary data), observations (meteorological parameters) and analyzed data (initial parameters). The Level-II and III data are subdivided into 'a' (data collected operationally in near-real time, 'b' (data collected in both real and delayed time to obtain the most complete data set) and 'c' (data collected for climate research). TAPE PRODUCTS 1. Main Level II-b Data Set, prepared by the Level II-b Space-Based and Special Observing System Data Center (SPSOSDC-Sweden). This data set contains the majority of all routine weather observations from satellites, aircraft, buoys, ships and balloons globally observed. 2. Level II-b Restructured Data Subsets (from Main), prepared by WDC-A (USA). Subset 1 contains all data except satellite radiances and soundings, Subset 2 contains land surface data, Subset 3 contains marine data, Subset 4 contains flight level data, Subsets 5 and 6 contain upper-air profiles (the only satellite soundings are from NIMBUS-7). 3. Final Level II-b Data Set, prepared by the Level II-b Space-Based and Special Observing System Data Center (SBSOSDC-Sweden). This data set was prepared to correct systematic errors found in the Main Level II-b Data Set and contains specially collected data for Winter and Summer MONEX and the African WAM. 4. Final FGGE II-b Data Set edited by the Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres (GLA). This data set contains edited Final Level II-b data such as latitude/longitude corrections, deletions of measurements from TIROS-N due to precipitable water contamination, deletion of erroneous USSR wind reports, corrections of certain ASDAR data. 5. Level II-b Restructured Data Subsets, prepared by WDC-A from Final Level II-b Data Set. Subsets are the same as in above (2.) except for Subset 6 which is not contained. 6. LIMS/FGGE Level II-b Data Set produced by NCAR for the USA Experimental Satellite Data Producer, NASA/GSFC. This data set contains stratospheric temperature profiles from the Nimbus-7 Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS). 7. Special Level II-b Data from FGGE Drifting Buoy System. This data set which was originally prepared by the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, contains buoys numbered by geographic location. 8. Level II-c Data Sets. These data sets include the Surface Based Ozone Data Set from the World Ozone Data Center in Canada, the FGGE Level II-c Cloudiness Data Set prepared by WDC-A using the Air Force Global Weather Central's (AFGWC) operational 3-dimensional cloud analysis (3DNEPH), the FGGE Level II-c Snow Cover Data Set prepared by the United States Air Force Environmental Technical Applications Center (USAFETAC) using the AFGWC Snow Depth Analysis, the FGGE Level II-c Precipitation and Snow Data Set produced by the Level II-c Precipitation and Snow Data Center at the National Climatic Center. 9. Level III-a Data Sets, prepared separately by the World Meteorological Centers in Washington, Moscow and Melbourne. These data sets include the WMC Washington Level III-a Operational Analyses providing initial state parameters for geopotential heights, temperatures, u and v wind components, relative humidity, sea level pressure, tropopause temperature and pressure along with a snow cover field representation and a sea surface temperature analysis; WMC Moscow Level III-a Operational Analyses provide geopotential heights at six mandatory levels (1000, 850, 700, 500, 300 and 100); WMC Melbourne Level III-a Operational Analyses provide initial state parameters in the Southern Hemisphere for geopotential heights, temperatures, u and v wind components, dew points and sea level pressures. 10. Level III-b Data Sets, produced separately by the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) (Reading, England) and NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). These data sets include the ECMWF Level III-b Global Experiment Analyses Data Set containing geopotential height, mean sea level pressure, u and v wind components temperature, relative humidity and vertical velocity; the GFDL Level III-b Global Experiment Data Set provide analyses of u and v wind stress components, vertical velocity, relative humidity, geopotential height, mixing ratio, temperature, u and v wind components, sea level pressure; the Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres (GLA) Level III-b Reanalysis uses the Final Level II-b data, the GLA Fourth Order Model and satellite temperature profiles. FILM PRODUCTS 1. FGGE Level II-c Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data Set prepared by the Level II-c Surface-Based Radiation Data Center (USSR). This data set consists of monthly summaries which contain the following tables: (a) daily and monthly values of global solar radiation, monthly values of sunshine duration; (b) hourly, daily and monthly values of radiation balance and global radiation; (c) monthly means of global radiation at hourly intervals. Project Archive Contact: A. L. Shumbera Director WDC-A for Meteorology National Climatic Data Center Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 USA (704) 259-0395 Dr. V. I. Smirnov WDC-B1 Molodezhnaya 3 Moscow 117296, USSR 130-05-87 Project Technical Contact: Mr. Robert Williams WDC-A for Meteorology National Climatic Data Center Federal Building Asheville, NC 28801 (704) 259-0370 FTS 672-0682 Ms. Lola Olsen NASA's Climatic Data System NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 634 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-9760 Dr. Wayman Baker National Meteorological Center World Weather Building, Room 204 5200 Auth Road Camp Springs, MD 20746 (301) 763-8005 Mr. Roy Jenne National Center of Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307 (303) 497-1215 FTS 320-1215 References: World Meteorological Organization, GARP Publication Series Number 26, Vol. I and II, April 1986. NASA Climatic Data System (NCDS) Catalog Information System. (en)

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