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Projects > D - F > EMPACT

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  • EMPACT is a new approach to working with communities to collect, manage, and present environmental information. It aims to work with communities to make timely, accurate, and understandable environmental information available to millions of people in the largest metropolitan areas across the country so that communities and individuals can make informed, day- to- day decisions about their lives. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has started a number of projects that work with communities which provide environmental information to communities and individuals by means of the latest measurement,information management, and communications technologies. These initial EPA projects, for example,will: Develop improved air quality tracking systems for the Cleveland, OH area. Provide immediate clean-water information at Los Angeles, CA beaches. Provide daily information to help children avoid harmful exposure to ultraviolet radiation in Phoenix, AZ. Keep track of water quality in Long Island Sound, NY. Reduce the risk of lead exposure to children in their own backyards in the Boston, MA area. Provide information on contamination at hazardous-waste sites in Northern New Jersey. Keep better track of toxic air pollutants in the San Francisco, CA area. EPA will coordinate EMPACT activities among Federal, States, tribal, and local governments. Additionally, groups such as community health officials, businesses, industries, schools, and environmental organizations will be involved. To help make EMPACT work, EPA will work closely with two other Federal agencies: the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The resources and expertise of these two agencies will help EPA achieve nationwide consistency in measuring environmental data, managing that data, and effectively delivering it to the public. Data obtained from both NOAA and USGS will also help EPA get a truer, more complete picture of our environment, coast to coast. For more information on the EMPACT Program "" EMPACT Program Office of Environmental Information U. S. EPA (8722R) 401 M Street, S. W. Washington, DC 20460 Telephone: 202- 564-5179 Facsimile: 202- 565- 1966 (en)

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