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  • The Research Vessel Surface Meteorology Data Center (RVSMDC) located at the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies on the campus of the Florida State University, collects, quality-controls, archives, and distributes surface meteorological observations from international research vessels. Available data include observations made by nearly-continuous automated recording system and ship bridge crews. We specialize in the quality evaluation of high-temporal resolution observations from automated weather systems. The RVSMDC uses both automated and visual quality control procedures developed for TOGA-COARE and WOCE to create value-added products. Our archive now contains data for nearly three-quarters of the completed WOCE cruises. We have expanded our archive to a number of non-WOCE cruises and we now have data for over 60 research vessels in our archive. Value-added research vessel meteorological data have been used to validate satellite measurement and model-derived global ocean fields. The observations have also proven ideal for ocean turbulent flux studies. Website: "" [Summary provided by Florida State University.] (en)

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