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Projects > S - U > SAGA II/III

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  • The Soviet/American Gas and Aerosol (SAGA) Expeditions II and III were to measure radiatively important trace species in the marine environment. NOAA/CMDL participated in both cruises in 1987 and 1990. The overall goal of SAGA II was to evaluate the sources, distributions, and fates of climatically significant trace species in the remote, marine environment. The studies were to focus on obtaining latitudinal distributions of key gaseous and aerosol species from 50 deg N to 40 deg S, defining the downwind plume from continental Asia over the West Pacific and East Indian Oceans, and evaluating the air-sea exchange of biogenic and anthropogenic trace gases. NOAH and the Carbon Cycle Group were responsible for the organization of NOAA/CMDL's effort and the measurement of a suite of rediatively important trace species (RITS) in both the water and the atmosphere. Five trace gases in the surface water and atmosphere of the West Pacific and East Indian Oceans were measured by automated gas chromatography from May through July 1987. The data included more than 1000 measurements each of N2O, F11, and F12 in the surface water and in the atmosphere, and about 2000 measurements each of CH4 and CO2 in the surface water and atmospheric boundary layer of the West Pacific. In addition, over 600 measurements of dissolved N2O were obtained from hydrocasts made along the entire 45000 km cruise track. The ship Akademik Korolev, used in the SAGA II expedition, departed Hilo, HI on 1 May 1987, to proceed towards the Kuril trench, headed south along 160 deg E and 170 deg E meridians and terminated its first leg in Wellington, New Zealand on 9 June 1987. Leg 2 ran south of Australia then north along 90 deg E to Singapore between 12 June and 6 July. Leg 3 began on 9 July in Singapore and was essentially a transect along 5 deg N turning up toward Hilo, HI at 180 deg E where it arrived on 28 July 1987. The overall goal of SAGA III was similar to the one of SAGA II. In addition, main objectives were to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of trace gases across the interhemispheric tropical convergence zone (ITCZ), to trace the zonal movement of the ITCZ, to determine halocarbon saturation anomalies and to assess their use in calculating air-sea transfer coefficients, to measure the flux of N2O from equatorial waters, and to compare the results to those made in 1987, an El Nino year. As for SAGA II, the Akademik Korolev was used during this expedition. The cruise began in February 1990 in Hilo, HI, and crossed the equator seven times zig-zagging between 20 deg N and 15 deg S before ending in Singapore in April 1990. References: Trace Gases in and Over the West Pacific and East Indian Oceans During the El Nino-Southern Oscillation Event of 1987, J.H. Butler, J.W. Elkins, C.M. Brunsen, K.B. Egan, T.M. Thompson, T.J. Convay, B.D. Hall. NOAA Data Report ERL ARL-16, available from James Butler or through NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. Oceanic Consumption of CH3CCl3: Implications for Tropospheric OH. J.H. Butler, J.W. Elkins, T.M. Thompson, and B.D. Hall. J. Geophys. Res. 96D, 22347-22355 (1991). Third Soviet-American Gases and Aerosols (SAGA 3) Experiment: Overview and meteorological and oceanographic conditions. Johnson, J.E., V.M. Koropalov, K.E. Pickering, A.M. Thompson, N. Bond, and J.W. Elkins. J. Geophys. Res. 98D, 16893-16908, 1993 Contacts: James H. Butler +1 303 497 6898 (tel) 6290 (fax) Email: James W. Elkins +1 303 497 6898 (tel) 6290 (fax) Email: Data are available on the NOAA/CMDL/NOAH anonymous FTP account: "" "" For more information see: "" and "" (en)

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