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Projects > A - C > APEX/WARMPAST

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  • Short Title: WARMPAST Project URL: Proposal URL: The overall goal of this initiative is to advance our knowledge of climate warming in the Arctic, by studying past climate change. We will focus mainly on the ocean circulation and climate of the NW Eurasian continental margin. The present climate in the Arctic shows signs of rapid change with decreasing sea ice cover and increasing temperature of the Atlantic Water. The implications of this warming are highly uncertain, as modelling experiments projecting temperatures for the next 100 years show a largescatter at high northern latitudes. The project will include the following modules (M): M1 Rapid changes in the Atlantic Water inflow into the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, M2 Ice sheet/glacier response to warming, M3 Improving ocean temperature and sea-ice proxies; M4 Climate modelling. M1: Periods in the past during which the climate was instable and reached warmer conditions than today: a) Marine isotope stages (MIS) 12/11; b) MIS 6/5; c) Younger Dryas/Holocene climate optimum, and d) last millennium. Sea Surface Temperature ( SST) will be quantified using a multidisciplinary approach, combining faunal/floral based transfer functions and geochemical tracers. For the Holocene and the last millennium climate will be investigated in marine sediments, lake sediments and ice cores from Svalbard and marine sediments from the SE Greenland and SW to N Iceland margin. Further, archaeological sites in Norway and Svalbard will be investigated to explore the relationship between climate and human settlement and activities. M2: Implications of climate warming for growth and decay of ice sheets and tide water glaciers, and its effect on ice stream dynamics in the Barents Sea and the Svalbard and SE Greenland margin. M3: Reconstructions of SST below 5 OC based both on transfer functions and geochemical tracers are subject to large uncertainties. This is partly due to incomplete modern training sets at high latitudes. We aim to improve modern analogue data on planktonic and benthic foraminifera, diatoms, dinocysts, foraminiferal Ca/Mg-ratios and oxygen and carbon isotopes. From the same proxies we will also develop transfer functions for sea ice. M4: An important motivation for attempting to simulate the climatic conditions of the past is that such experiments provide opportunities for evaluating how models respond to large changes in forcing. Combined with high resolution acoustic data, cores will be sampled from high resolution sediment fans off northern and western Spitsbergen, the Spitsbergen fjords (in particular Kongsfjorden) and the Barents/Kara/Laptev Sea margin. Multi-core/box core surface samples >70ON in the NE Atlantic will be sampled. The SE Greenland and SW to N Iceland component will rely on existing seafloor samples. The project will include exchange programs and training courses for PhD students and young researchers. This expression of intent focus on research questions addressed by IGP-PAGES and CLIVAR. (en)

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