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  • The Idaho Water Science Center is one of 48 nationwide USGS water science centers. Our mission is to provide reliable, impartial scientific information to our local, state, tribal, and federal cooperators so they can efficiently manage the water resources within their jurisdictions. Our data and research are also essential for the protection of the citizens of Idaho against floods and other natural disasters and for the preservation of the environment. Our science is focused in five basic areas: - Surface water resources including rivers, lakes, and reservoirs - Groundwater resources, both cold water and geothermal - Water quality of both surface and groundwater resources - Integrity of aquatic biological resources - Water use and availability [Summary provided by the USGS.] (en)

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  • 2014-03-27 14:16:48.0 [epneff] FISC no longer exits; SESC replaced in 2009 update AltLabel (Idaho Water Science Center, Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior); update PrefLabel (DOI/USGS/WRD/IWSC);


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