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  • [Source: NASA National Space Science Data Center, ] Satellite de Aplicaciones Cientifico-A (SAC-A) was a small non-recoverable satellite built by the Argentinean National Commission of Space Activities (CoNAE). The satellite will test and characterize the performance of new equipment and technologies which may be used in future operational or scientific missions. The satellite payload included a Differential Global Positioning Systems (DGPS) to provide real-time autonomous attitude measurements for the satellite, a CCD camera to perform digital space photography, Argentinean built silicon solar cells, a magnetometer to take scalar measurements of the Earth's magnetic field, and an Argentinean experiment to track endangered whale population migrations in the southern hemisphere. Group: Platform_Details Entry_ID: SAC-A Group: Platform_Identification Platform_Category: Earth Observation Satellites Platform_Series_or_Entity: SAC Short_Name: SAC-A Long_Name: Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientifico - A End_Group Group: Synonymous_Platform_Names Short_Name: SAC-A End_Group Group: Platform_Associated_Instruments Short_Name: CCD IMAGER End_Group Group: Orbit Orbit_Inclination: 51.6 deg Period: 92.3 min Perigee: 378 km Apogee: 395 km End_Group Creation_Date: 2007-11-13 Online_Resource: Sample_Image: Group: Platform_Logistics Launch_Date: 1998-12-14 Launch_Site: Cape Canaveral/Kennedy Space Center, USA Primary_Sponsor: Argentina./CoNAE End_Group End_Group (en)


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