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Projects > M - O > ODP/DSDP

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  • Project Description: The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), operating since 1983, follows the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) which operated from 1968 to 1985. The ODP is (as was the DSDP) sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and several foreign countries as a comprehensive investigation of the global oceans. The results of the two programs are a large mass of digital data as well as 96 published DSDP 'Initial Reports' volumes, and to date 19 ODP 'Initial Reports' and 3 ODP 'Scientific Results' volumes. In addition, many of the data collected by ODP are available on microfilm or microfiche. The digital data were compiled from shipboard analyses, onshore laboratory analyses, and in some cases, from the INitial Reports and Scientific Results volumes. The ODP maintains 26 data bases from the DSDP and over 30 data bases from ODP which contain descriptions and/or analyses of marine sediments and rocks from Legs 1-96 of DSDP and Legs 101-present (currently completing Leg 128) from ODP. The DSDP data were from the cores collected by the drilling bessel Glomar Challenger and the ODP data are from cores gathered by the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution. Data used and produced: Data types include age profiles of the holes, carbon and carbonate percentages of sediments, density/porosity, grain size, G.R.A.P.E. (Gamma-Ray attenuations porosity evaluator) data, chemistry of hardrocks including major and minor element percentages, thin section and visual hand specimen descriptions of hard rock samples, paleomagnetism of both sediments and hard rocks in several forms, paleontology for 21 separate fossil groups including foraminifera, radiolara, diatoms, nannofossils, etc., penetrometer data, site summary information, smearslide descriptions, sonic velocity, vane shear measurements, visual core descriptions, x-ray mineralogy, and a derived sediment description file called SCREEN with computerized standardized sediment descriptions (for DSDP data only). Auxiliary data include various computerized bibliographies and indexes. Digital geophysical data including underway measurements and downhole logs are described in other entries. Customized data searched can be performed from one dataset or from many datasets. Data are currently available on hard copy (paper) printouts, on magnetic tape, through the BITNET network (the ODP Database Group BITNET address is %DATABASE@TAMODP), or on IBM or Macintosh formatted diskettes. Earlier DSDP data are also available on various media (including CD-ROM) from NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center in Boulder, Colorado. Project Contact: Data Librarian, Database Group Ocean Drilling Program Texas A&M University Research Park 1000 Discovery Drive College Station, Texas 77840 U.S.A. (409) 845-8495, 845-2673 Easylink (Telex) Number: 62760290 Bitnet: DATABASE@TAMODP References: The Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office) and the Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program which includes two volumes, the Initial Reports and Scientific Results volumes (College Station, Tx., Ocean Drilling Program). (en)

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