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Projects > M - O > OASIS - IPY

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  • OASIS is an international multi-disciplinary effort to study Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack Interactions in the Arctic. The specific focus is to develop a quantitative understanding of the processes that are involved in Air-Surface Interactions and chemical exchange between the title reservoirs. As the nature and extent of snow and ice cover is changing, OASIS will assess the associated impact on, and by, climate change, and the human and ecosystem impacts of air-surface exchanges of chemical species. OASIS will quantify the impact of chemical, physical and biological exchange processes on tropospheric chemistry, the cryosphere, and the marine environment, and their feedback mechanisms in the context of a changing climate. OASIS has identified studies in the Arctic Ocean surface environment as a key programmatic component to reach these goals. IPY represents a unique opportunity to develop new initiatives that enable the community to do the best science, made possible by an international approach to logistics and experimentation. A legacy will be development and evaluation of new tools, implemented through a network of complex logistics, e.g. involving icebreakers, ice camps, piloted and unmanned vehicles in the atmosphere and ocean, satellite remote sensing, and computer models, to address the pressing scientific issues. The OASIS program was established in 2003, and has developed an internationally vetted Science Plan, and an Implementation Plan, available at A growing number of individual projects are contributing to the scientific goals since winter 2004/05 (to date 45 individual projects, see 3.11 below). OASIS is linked to a number of international organizations and activities, including AMAP (the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program), and the IGBP (International Geosphere – Biosphere) programs IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry) under the AICI (Air Ice Chemical Interactions) activity, and SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study). During IPY (2007 – 2009), we propose to: 1. Conduct coordinated icebreaker, ice camp, and aircraft studies of OASIS chemical exchange. A principal focus will be a nine-month coordinated campaign from the frozen-in icebreaker ‘m/v Antarctica’ and connected ice camps. Measurements will be made of a wide variety of chemical and biological compounds and physical properties in the Arctic marine boundary layer atmosphere, cryosphere and ocean. The impact on, and by, the physical state of the local environment will be a key topic of these studies. Shorter ice breaker campaigns (e.g. involving the Canadian “Amundsen” and the Russian ice-enforced RV "Akademik Feodorov",and "Mikhail Somov”) are also envisaged. This and connected aircraft work will be coordinated with other international IPY efforts. 2. Establish a network of Arctic Ocean buoys that will enable year-round measurements of ozone and related chemical species. This work will fill major gaps in our knowledge of physical/chemical variables involved with Arctic Ocean surface ozone and mercury depletion and radiatively-active trace-gas budgets. The network will evolve in close cooperation with the International Arctic Buoy Project, the North Pole Environmental Observatory, and the proposed Arctic Ocean Observing System. 3. Examine physical and chemical oceanographic variables that influence ocean-atmosphere chemical exchange, by observations of parameters in physical oceanography; marine biology; marine geology; sea ice characteristics; and hydrography using, among other tools, an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) as Below ice Environmental Laboratory. In addition, not directly related to IPY, OASIS will: 4. Conduct supporting laboratory studies of biological, chemical and physical processes relevant to snow, ice, gas, and aerosol phase photochemistry and chemical exchange. 5. Develop and apply 1D and 3D models of OASIS exchange and associated atmospheric chemistry and cloud physics impacts, in association with scientists involved with 1-3 above. Summary provided by (en)

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