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  • Characteristics and Output Products DC-8 DADS Data Products A. In-Flight Data Products During each flight there are several DADS displays, viewable on monitors throughout the cabin. The DADS Parameter Display (see table F1) shows a subset of DADS data in table format. The Track Plot Display shows the aircraft flight track superimposed on a reference map. The Real-Time Plot shows several parameters as a color graph, generally in a time-series strip chart format. All of these are configurable as required and are continuously updated. In addition, the Weather Satellite APT Receiver displays real-time satellite images from the NOAA polar orbiters whenever available. It is also be possible to graphically examine all DADS parameters from any portion of the flight at the DADS station computer if necessary. The DC-8 DADS serial transfer of housekeeping data is available in-flight to allow easy access to aircraft data by experimenter computers. The data is in ASCII format, in engineering units Data is sent at one second intervals with transmission rates of 1200, 9600, and 19.2K baud. Format and hardware interface requirements are described in another section below. B. Post-Flight Data Products After each flight several hardcopy DADS data products will be available. The DC-8 Mission Director Log will contain time/data stamped commentary on the flight. A set of Track Plots will show the DC-8 flight track, including flight-level winds. A set of Time-Series Plots will show a selection of DADS parameters. The Parameter Printout will contain 10-second picks of representative parameters. Other graphical products may be produced by request of the Mission Director. All of these products will be given to the GTE Project Office after each flight, in both hardcopy and electronic format. The DADS ASCII-formatted data set will also be submitted. Additional information available at "" [Source: NASA] (en)

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