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  • The GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam GFZ combines all solid earth science disciplines including geodesy, geology, geophysics, mineralogy and geochemistry, forming a multidisciplinary research centre. The main objectives are: - Basic research on global geoscientific questions - Joint research with universities and other research institutes on a national and international basis. Main topics in the area of basic research are: - Kinematics and Potential Fields of the Earth - Zones of Mobility in the Lithosphere - Plate Boundaries - Deformation and Mass-Transport - Genesis of Granites and the Evolution of the Crust - Earthquakes and Volcanism In the field of interdisciplinary basis research, 22 working groups, organized in five individual departments according to the main research topics, contribute to the geoscientific research work, e.g. composition and structure of the lithosphere, geodynamic processes and transport mechanisms, global potential fields, the thermal and rheological structure of the crust, earthquakes and seismic hazard prevention, and, the recent climatic evolution of the earth. The five departments of GFZ Potsdam are described as follows: 1) Recent Kinematics and Dynamics of the Earth Director: Prof. Dr. Christoph Reigber Sections: Recent Kinematics and Neotectonics Recent Stress Field of the Earth Gravity Field and Figure of the Earth System Theory and Modelling Remote Sensing The application of modern geodetic techniques for measuring geometric and physical parameters at the earth`s surface is the principal research area of this department. Laser and microwave pulses transmitted to earth-orbiting satellites allow the measurement of variations in the earths rotation and spatial orientation as well as the detection of small crustal deformations, e.g. as a result of plate tectonics. Observed satellite orbit perturbations provide basic information for modelling the global structure and long-term changes of the earth`s gravity field. These data are supplemented by airborne and terrestrial measurements. The exploration of geological structures by remote sensing and the measurement of the stress state in the outermost crust helps to define the boundary conditions for the complete three dimensional modelling of the global system and its evolution with time. 2) Structure of the Earth Director: Prof. Dr. Volker Haak (komm.) Sections: Seismology and Tomography Deep Seismic Sounding Deep Electromagnetic Sounding Simulation of Tectonophysical Processes Geological Interpretation of Deep Seismic Profiles This department probes the interior of the earth using geophysical methods. In addition to the classical seismological approaches, advanced seismic, electric and magnetic exploration techniques are applied in order to delineate the earth`s structure. Measurements on the surface and sophisticated inversion techniques allow recognition of structural details within the earth such as detailed crustal features and their relation to tectonic processes, or the shape and location of subducting lithosphere plates. Long-term observations of the variations of the magnetic field as monitored in the Geomagnetic Observatory Niemegk provide information on the dynamic processes within the liquid outer core of the earth and along the core-mantle boundary. As the core-mantle boundary might be the source of mantle plumes intruding into the lithosphere, these processes can significantly influence crustal phenomena. 3) Structure and Evolution of the Litosphere Director: Prof. Dr. J#rg F.W. Negendank Sections: Structure, Evolution and Geodynamics Dynamics of Tectonic Processes Sedimentation and Basin Analysis Modelling of Geoprocesses The thermal energy, produced and stored in the earth`s interior, is transported by convection to the earth`s surface and initiates disequilibria which are responsible for tectonic processes. The products of these geodynamic processes are stored within the earth`s crust and they can be used to aid the investigation of deformation pathways, kinematic processes and mass transport. Temperature and pressure as well as the chronological, spatial and chemo-physical development of metamorphic processes in the crust are also investigated. The research activities are complemented by experimental studies of the rheology of rocks and the analysis and modelling of basin evolution with regard to geodynamic processes and climatic influences. 4) Material Properties and Transport Processes Director: Prof. Dr. Rolf Emmermann Sections: Experimental Petrology and Geochemistry Material Properties and Transport Processes Genesis of Ore Deposits Physical Properties of Minerals and Rocks The chemical and physical development of the earth`s crust and its igneous and metamorphic rocks are the main research area of this department. Research focuses on material properties by combined mineralogical, physical, and chemical methods, on the interaction of fluids with minerals and rocks, on the pathways of fluids, their influence on various physical properties of rocks, their importance for the genesis of granites - the most abundant rock in the continental crust - as well as on the formation of ore deposits. The fundamental data for quantitative modelling of geodynamic processes is obtained by modern analytical and experimental techniques, e.g. isotope geochemistry, trace element analysis, high resolution electron microscopy and microanalytical methods, high pressure experiments on mineral synthesis and stability and a multi-anvil apparatus for in situ measurements of mineralphysical parameters at high-pressure and temperature using synchrotron radiation. 5) Disaster Research Director: Prof. Dr. Jochen Zschau Sections: Earthquakes and Volcanoes Applied Disaster Research Deep Borehole Logging Instrument Development Disaster research at the GFZ is a contribution to the International Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction of the United Nations. The scientific program includes basic research in order to achieve a better understanding of processes which cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This should help to reduce the catastrophic effects of natural disasters. In addition to basic research the scientific program deals with practical aspects like setting up eathquake and volcanic monitoring networks as well as early warning systems, consulting authorities and scientists, and training specialists in the field of earthquake-proof construction. ------------------------------------------------- GFZ - Joint Projects: Joint research with universities and other research institutions is one of the major tasks of the GFZ. For this purpose the GFZ offers special analytical devices, observatories and instrument pools for field investigations. Already in use or planned are the following: geodetic observation systems for field campaigns, geophysical instrument pools, advanced analytical devices (e.g. high pressure apparatus with synchrotron radiation), geophysical networks (e.g. the seismological geoscientific network GEOFON) and a Lithosphere-Data-Centre. Since January 1, 1993, the GFZ has been involved, with both the Free University Berlin and the Technical University Berlin, in the project "Deformation processes in the Andes", funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Furthermore, the GFZ is involved in several national and international joint research programs: DEKORP (German Continental Reflection Seismic Program), EUROPROBE (Tectonic Evolution of Europe from the Ural Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean), IGS (International Geodynamics GPS Service), ILP (International Lithosphere Program) and GSHAP (Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Project). ------------------------------------------------- There is a WWW homepage offered by GFZ Potsdam with possibly more recent update under URL: "". The above information has been extracted by H. Schroeter DLR/DFD ( out of above homepage in May 1995. Revision_Date: 1998-09-28 Science_Review_Date: 1995-08-29 Future_Revision_Date: 1998-12-31 (en)

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